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CIO-SP3 Small Business

The Chief Information Officer–Solutions and Partners 3 (CIO-SP3) government-wide acquisition contract (GWAC) is a 10-year indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract managed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Information Technology Acquisitions and Assessment Center (NITAAC). This contract is designed to permit the Institutes and Centers (IC) of NIH, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and all other federal agencies to acquire a wide range of information technology (IT) solutions and services as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2.101(b), and further clarified in the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996. These IT services include health, health science, and biomedical-related IT services to meet scientific, health, administrative, operational, managerial, and information management requirements. The contract also contains general IT services partly because healthcare systems are increasingly integrated within a broader IT architecture, requiring a systems approach to their implementation and a sound infrastructure for their operation. The focus of this contract is to provide to government agencies a mechanism for streamlined ordering of required IT solutions and services at equitable and reasonable prices.  Learn more about NITAAC at:
Dynanet Corporation can perform work under the following task areas:
Task Area 1 – IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare: The objective of this Task Area is to support Biomedical Research, Health Sciences and Healthcare by performing studies and analyses and providing operational, technical, and maintenance services for the systems, subsystems, and equipment, some of which interface with, and are extensions to, information systems throughout the Federal Government.
Task Area 2 – Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support: The objective of this Task Area is to support Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in implementing laws, regulations, and polices and to facilitate evolving CIO practices.
Task Area 3 – Imaging: This objective of this Task Area addresses systems and services that support the collection, storage, and retrieval of digital images. Digital images can include scanned documents, medical images, geographical information systems, video, and photographs.
Task Area 4 – Outsourcing: The objective of this Task Area is to provide the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and IT services required to assume management and operations of Government IT resources and IT business functions.
Task Area 5 – IT Operations and Maintenance: The objective of this Task Area is to support the operation and maintenance of IT systems, keeping IT systems viable with supported vendor releases or off-the-shelf applications software upgrades. Operations and maintenance on IT systems shall include all software and hardware associated with mainframes, client/server, web-based applications, and networking.
Task Area 6 – Integration Services: The objective of this Task Area is to support the development and deployment of integrated information systems, which includes the integration of technical components, information technology components, organizational components and documentation. Integration projects can support a wide range of agency functions. In the healthcare and research domain, medical imaging systems, patient management systems, clinical management systems, and laboratory management systems are often provided via integration of commercial components with existing infrastructure.
Task Area 7 – Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance: The objective of this Task Area is to support the protection of critical infrastructure, assurance of agency information, and operations that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, restoration, authentication, non-repudiation, protection, detection, monitoring, and event react capabilities.
Task Area 8 – Digital Government: The objective of this Task Area is to support Government services that are provided through digital, electronic means, creating a transparent interaction between Government and Citizens (G2C – Government-to-Citizens), and Business Enterprises (G2B – Government-to-Business enterprises) and Government Interagency relationships (G2G – Government-to-Government).
Task Area 9 – Enterprise Resource Planning: The objective of this Task Area is to support the implementation of enterprise management applications and systems in the federal environment, which are integrated software applications used to control, monitor, and coordinate key business activities across an enterprise. These applications generally fall into the following categories: Financials, Human Resources, Logistics, Manufacturing, and Projects.
Task Area 10 – Software Development:  The objective of this Task Area is to develop customized software applications, database applications, and other solutions not available in off-the-shelf modular software applications.
Contract Number: 75N98120D00212
Contract NAICS Code: 541512
Contract Ceiling: $20 Billion
Contract PoP: 05/11/20 to 07/14/22
Prompt Payment Terms: None
CIO-SP3 Small Business Website:
Sherri Brown
CIO-SP3 Program Manager
Jake Flowers
CIO-SP3 Contracts Administrator
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