Our Process

Enterprise Architecture

Achieving digital transformation that delivers maximum impact and value to the mission, end-users, and IT operations requires a holistic view of business functions, strategy, process design, and technology enablement.

Our Enterprise Architecture (EA) approach includes both strategic and operational support for technology, applications, business processes, and methodology. We leverage EA practices and processes to define, guide, and enable digital transformation.

Through our EA approach, we place great focus on business and IT strategy, business architecture, IT architecture including technology & application/services architecture, and security architecture. Our goal is to ensure business and IT strategies, programs, systems/application/services coalesce and remain aligned over time to increase flexibility and adaptability in an ever-changing IT environment.

Our EA approach continues to be key to our delivery of our services including:

  • Business and IT strategies for Cloud Enablement, Zero Trust Architecture, IT modernization
  • As-is assessments of IT architecture, defining of to-be IT architecture and transition planning
  • Technology roadmap and pipeline development
  • Technology and architecture assessments
  • Implementation of architecture and infrastructure
  • Architecture frameworks and governance
  • Tool selection evaluation and selection
  • Emerging technology assessments and implementation
  • Development of system integrations
  • Integration with IT portfolio, acquisitions, CPIC, PPBE and lifecycle processes
  • Security architecture, integration, automation; DevSecOps

We intrinsically link our EA approach to the Dynanet 4D Methodology, ensuring that EA practices and processes are present within all phases of our engagements and tailored to enable all size and complexity transformations. By leveraging our HCD principles, we ensure that mission and business needs are always addressed and that the business drives technology enablement.

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